by Oksana » Fri Jan 03, 2020 2:36 pm
First, look at the practice activities below. What structures are they designed to practise?
a) They are desined to practice modal verbs. To make it more communicative, I would give each students one remark to make one negative and positive advice, then I would change the papers in chane and the next student had to add some more advices, so that the paper has to make the whole circle of students, then each student take one paper and in pairs they discuss and check it, were the statements apropriate or not. Then we make group discussion, correct mistakes and share some interesting ideas.
b) I would make students in pairs give each other instructions about room of their dream, their partner will draw, then in pairs check the drawing and discuss, what was right , what not. share the ideas, answer the personal questions generated by the teacher.
First, look at the practice activities below. What structures are they designed to practise?
a) They are desined to practice modal verbs. To make it more communicative, I would give each students one remark to make one negative and positive advice, then I would change the papers in chane and the next student had to add some more advices, so that the paper has to make the whole circle of students, then each student take one paper and in pairs they discuss and check it, were the statements apropriate or not. Then we make group discussion, correct mistakes and share some interesting ideas.
b) I would make students in pairs give each other instructions about room of their dream, their partner will draw, then in pairs check the drawing and discuss, what was right , what not. share the ideas, answer the personal questions generated by the teacher.