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Post by Yameli Caraza » Thu Nov 29, 2018 3:19 pm

In my opinion Mesoamericas ball game was a real sport. They had rules and they followed those rules. They played to win something or just to ask the Sun God to help them with their cultives and weather. Maybe we don't see it as an sport because we don't see it on the TV, but they used to wear protective gear, they have balls specificly made for this sport. They didn't have TV to transmitt the match but it was very famous and the spectators bet on their favorite team. Now, in my persoal opinion, I don't think that the loser where sacificed because there is no concrete evidence of that opinion. And if I remember correctly the Mayas where very famous because they were doctors. They make sacrifices to investigate about the human body, so the sacrifices may not be related with the ball game.

Now, about the bullfighting. I think that it should the banned. This sport exists just to induce suffering to the bull. They have different techniques that can be applied so the animal endures more suffering than it is necessary.

I think that the real question in here should be: Who where more heartless the ancient Mesoamerican cultures or us?
Remember that the ancient mesoamerican cultures may have made sacrifices as ritual to learn about the human body, but today's cultures made sacrifices because they can. And I'm not only talking about human sacrificies but also about animal sacrificies.
