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Re: doping

Post by Lali » Sun May 05, 2019 4:23 pm

I think that sport should never have the shadow of drugs because in this way we lose admiration for athletes.

Re: doping

Post by elizabeth » Wed May 01, 2019 11:59 am

I think to gain the victory on doping it's to think about what you are able to do well not to make gain the substances which ruin your body your mental ilness ,and not to make win some sportsmen with the use of appearance ,it doesen't take to anything because some uses the illegal substances to win illegal and enahance in a badly their bodies .People must think not to use those censured to enhance on the contrary they have to think to hobbies for ,to win in society withouth something that can lead the men unattractive,umbroutosly,and can lead the men to isolation in life and disperation to gain the matches

Re: doping

Post by elizabeth » Wed May 01, 2019 4:28 am

On Internet people can buy some illegal substances,there are some web sites where some villans sells them.

Re: doping

Post by elizabeth » Sun Jan 20, 2019 2:03 am

Dark chocolate is good to health

Re: doping

Post by elizabeth » Sun Jan 20, 2019 1:39 am

The Drug Epo is used by some cyclists because it improves stamina.

Re: doping

Post by elizabeth » Mon Jan 14, 2019 1:05 am

Doping minimize a person doesen't boost a person.

Re: doping

Post by elizabeth » Wed Dec 26, 2018 9:40 pm

When a sportpeople in inside the world of doping it is difficult to help him.

Re: doping

Post by elizabeth » Wed Dec 26, 2018 9:14 pm

Another way to incresase in endorphines is to make sport in a sane way not to pulling his leg with the use of doping the world of sports and mass media.

Re: doping

Post by elizabeth » Wed Dec 26, 2018 5:59 pm

Chocolate release endorphines .Another way to releave endorphines is to laugh for eamplethe yoga laugher clab are clubs where laugh is the most important thing it laugh is used by doctorsto cure disesases in hospital and prison. Mr Madam Kataria who started the first Laugher club in India in 1995 .Young children laugh about 300 times a day,aduls laugh between 7 and 15 times a day.There are than 6,000 Lauhther clubs in over 65 countries Worldwide and theres even a World lAUGHER club on the first May every year.He tried to know the effect of Lauhther club doing a couse in a school and he was made to laugh in Group and he was nervous at the begenning and he had to clap his hands and say ho ho,ha ha ha while looking at the each other.THE TEACHER EXPLINED THERE IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEEN FAKE LAUGHER AND REWAL LAUGHTER,BECAUSE THEY SYTILL PRODIUCE THE SAME CHEMICALS .AT THE END OF THE EXPERIMENT HE WAS CALM AND RALAXED .AS DR KATARIA SAYS WHEN YOU LAGH YOU CHANGE,AND WHEN YOU CHANGE,THE WHOLE WORLD CHANGES AROUND YOU.

Re: doping

Post by elizabeth » Wed Dec 26, 2018 12:27 am

There is a resarch of scientist in which putting some people in a room and make them eating some chocolate and attaching some machines they have tasted that chocolate made men to kiss themselves.The use of chocolate make beat kissing because the use of chocolate makes beats the men the human brain they increased the power of kissing and make laught men and women to be yoyfull and for exaple give strenth after a job or a hard lesson of school or univeriìsity ach other and I think in some sports is used to realeave the pain of matches for example in skiing it is not be consisered as a drug as Epo ,steroids,or ormone growtht and I considered that it must be not banned ,in kipparing, in department store but I an intollerant to milk products so I eat only dark chocolate and I have banned the bars of milk chocolate when I am in Livigno for vacation I sometimes eat dark chocolate and my father usually take it to Milain because it is a duty free area and I 'm a lot fond of the ones oF Livigno it is sometimes something that releave my hurt and give joy to me.

Re: doping

Post by elizabeth » Fri Dec 07, 2018 6:24 am

Somebody critisize the use of dostinex because they think I have abortion and they want that I use contraptective censured but they have not clear that is the injection of xeplion that makes the increase of prollattina.

Re: doping

Post by Mario » Wed Oct 24, 2018 9:30 am

Hi Elizabeth,

I agree with that doping should not be legalized in the sport area. If they legalise the doping in the sport It will result in health problem for the people who practice sports. Doping is caused by long-term use of drugs, which some time the causes are in short time. It's very difficult to blame in my opinion from who are the responsibles for doping in sports, but as long we have black marketing creating these drugs, sport society authority and consumers will be impossible to stop doping. One thing should be done would be increasing the controls of athletes to avoid them the usage of banned substances from the sports and the regular test to control the level of use of drugs.

Kind regards
Mario Soares.

Re: doping

Post by elizabeth » Sun Sep 30, 2018 10:08 am

I use everyday dostinex which is a medicine that I take with a recepit by my GP and I used to control prolattina because every month I do a punture which makes grow the value in the blood.

Re: doping

Post by elizabeth » Sun Sep 30, 2018 9:35 am

I think oily and fatty food can lead to heart attak as eggs and read meet

Re: doping

Post by elizabeth » Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:58 pm

I think sportsmen who takes steroids,who hormone growth can become addict and aggressive ,come become a beast an insane person an animal and destroy himself and the Others who are around him with use horrible products .The use of drugs have been narrated in some poems of Baudlaire,of Verlaine the Spleen of Spoon River.
