Your own Dreaming

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Your own Dreaming

Post by Manuela Ordóñez » Wed Jul 10, 2019 5:21 pm

There is a large sun in the middle of the drawing, with four circles inside it, one of which is larger than the others, representing the different stages of my life: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, maturity.
Sun rays are extensive and multiple, culminating in five-pointed stars. Within each star there is a small heart and each of them represents my dearest people, except the star on the right and left, which have a dog's footprint, representing all the pets I have and have had in my life.
Why the sun and the stars? Why the day and the night? Why the sky in any of its stages? Because that's how I am, open-minded, free-spirited, and living to the extreme.
Worshiping the sun that gives me life and admiring the stars that shine in the sky, just like I admire everything I want
