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Live stream of ARISS hitting the ground with school in Warwick
1100 UTC : Web stream to implement. the faculty will welcome everyone, Including those on the stream and will proceed into the oral presentations from the students on their activities that have led up to the contact itself.
1145 UTC : ARISS Operations UK will take over and provide context for the contact itself.
1205 UTC : ARISS contact with Ricky Arnold.
1215 UTC : ARISS contact concludes and final address from the varsity.
Since 1879 King's High Warwick has been championing girls in science and STEM subjects as one of the leading all girls schools in the Midlands. the value of girls' education back then was viewed as inferior to that of boys and the early headmistresses of King's set about trying to change that. Over a hundred years on girls and boy's education can be considered equal, However could be girls in science and STEM subjects is still not equal to our male counterparts; Through school and into the workplace. Just 35% of ladies choose maths, Physics and computing investing in a 94% of boys
The Project One campus is the latest opportunity for King's girls, including brand new school buildings on the Warwick School site. It will feature intuitive science labs, Enabling generations to come of girls to study with the best facilities possible. The future King's girls at the Prep and local schools will use these labs for their time at King's and we believe the Mars Project will inspire them to see what studying STEM can lead to, Helped by access to top quality equipment. The project will assist in creating a collaborative relationship between the wide selection of subjects that have previously had minimal cross over in their syllabuses. The focus on Mars and astronomy links straight to the A Level Physics syllabus, impressive more girls to study physics beyond GCSE. The supra curricula activities conducted as part of the project, Such as building rovers in DT widen the educational experience of girls and enable them to see the real life applications of their learning.
Participants will ask as many of this questions as time allows:
1. (Eleanor gary, Yr12): muscle building colonize Mars, What is the most important thing we need to learn from our ancestors' mistakes on Earth?
2. (florencia J, Yr 4): What types of weather can you get on Mars that we have to tackle if humans were going to live there?
3. (Shuphangi k, Yr12): every thing research into life support systems on the ISS and research into in situ resource utilization, How long after the first manned mission to Mars do you think that a Mars colony can be independent?
4. (Gigi h, Yr9): Now that you are on the ISS would you have done anything differently during training, actually or mentally?
5. (Emma w, Yr12): Having skilled the vastness of space, Do you believe several forms of life in the universe?
6. (Maddy S d, Yr11): How has your journey to space changed your point of view on human life?
7. (Itogen mirielle, Yr11): What aspect of space travel do you consider needs to be improved in the next [-censured-=]beautiful moldova[/-censured-] 10 years to get us further into space?
8. (Evey h, Yr12): tend to be most magnificent place on Earth from space?
9. (Rosie S, Yr7): How does not having daylight or seasons in space affect you when equated with being on Earth?
10. (Olivia m, Yr6): Is it true that the environs changes your sense of taste up in space?
11. (Shivanshi f, Yr9): How does the feeling of weightlessness compare to it underwater on Earth?
12. (Martha ver, Yr10): How far into the future is the technology needed to make [-censured-=]moldova ladies[/-censured-] walking on between solar systems the norm?
13. (Olivia y simply, Yr11): adorable space can be a dangerous environment. How do everyones fellow astronauts protect yourselves whilst on the ISS?
14. (Emma b, Yr11): What does your training on Earth entail in order to cope with the effects of the lack of gravity on your sleep.
1100 UTC : Web stream to implement. the faculty will welcome everyone, Including those on the stream and will proceed into the oral presentations from the students on their activities that have led up to the contact itself.
1145 UTC : ARISS Operations UK will take over and provide context for the contact itself.
1205 UTC : ARISS contact with Ricky Arnold.
1215 UTC : ARISS contact concludes and final address from the varsity.
Since 1879 King's High Warwick has been championing girls in science and STEM subjects as one of the leading all girls schools in the Midlands. the value of girls' education back then was viewed as inferior to that of boys and the early headmistresses of King's set about trying to change that. Over a hundred years on girls and boy's education can be considered equal, However could be girls in science and STEM subjects is still not equal to our male counterparts; Through school and into the workplace. Just 35% of ladies choose maths, Physics and computing investing in a 94% of boys
The Project One campus is the latest opportunity for King's girls, including brand new school buildings on the Warwick School site. It will feature intuitive science labs, Enabling generations to come of girls to study with the best facilities possible. The future King's girls at the Prep and local schools will use these labs for their time at King's and we believe the Mars Project will inspire them to see what studying STEM can lead to, Helped by access to top quality equipment. The project will assist in creating a collaborative relationship between the wide selection of subjects that have previously had minimal cross over in their syllabuses. The focus on Mars and astronomy links straight to the A Level Physics syllabus, impressive more girls to study physics beyond GCSE. The supra curricula activities conducted as part of the project, Such as building rovers in DT widen the educational experience of girls and enable them to see the real life applications of their learning.
Participants will ask as many of this questions as time allows:
1. (Eleanor gary, Yr12): muscle building colonize Mars, What is the most important thing we need to learn from our ancestors' mistakes on Earth?
2. (florencia J, Yr 4): What types of weather can you get on Mars that we have to tackle if humans were going to live there?
3. (Shuphangi k, Yr12): every thing research into life support systems on the ISS and research into in situ resource utilization, How long after the first manned mission to Mars do you think that a Mars colony can be independent?
4. (Gigi h, Yr9): Now that you are on the ISS would you have done anything differently during training, actually or mentally?
5. (Emma w, Yr12): Having skilled the vastness of space, Do you believe several forms of life in the universe?
6. (Maddy S d, Yr11): How has your journey to space changed your point of view on human life?
7. (Itogen mirielle, Yr11): What aspect of space travel do you consider needs to be improved in the next [-censured-=]beautiful moldova[/-censured-] 10 years to get us further into space?
8. (Evey h, Yr12): tend to be most magnificent place on Earth from space?
9. (Rosie S, Yr7): How does not having daylight or seasons in space affect you when equated with being on Earth?
10. (Olivia m, Yr6): Is it true that the environs changes your sense of taste up in space?
11. (Shivanshi f, Yr9): How does the feeling of weightlessness compare to it underwater on Earth?
12. (Martha ver, Yr10): How far into the future is the technology needed to make [-censured-=]moldova ladies[/-censured-] walking on between solar systems the norm?
13. (Olivia y simply, Yr11): adorable space can be a dangerous environment. How do everyones fellow astronauts protect yourselves whilst on the ISS?
14. (Emma b, Yr11): What does your training on Earth entail in order to cope with the effects of the lack of gravity on your sleep.