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Forum: Can we do better than this?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:11 am
by Maarit
Can we do better than this?

I have watched Charles Eisenstein`s interesting video called Living Without Economic Growth in which he talked about lower rates of economic growth across the planet. He said that economic growth stalled in 2012 dramatically in Europe and USA. The situation is a little bit better in China, India, and Turkey, where the growth of economy has been very fast for the latest 5-10 years but it is not sure that their growth will continue forever.

Charles Eisenstein told us that perhaps after the year 2013 we have to learn to live without economic growth. He covered his observations from travelling around austerity stricken Europe and told us about crisis in Ireland and Portugal. He said that we will need to detach our notion of progress from material acquisition because the golden years will not come back.

Therefore we must concentrate on taking care of each other and re-evaluate our thinking about the basic questions, such as:
Who am I?
Why do things happen?
What is the purpose of life?
What is human nature?
What is sacred?
Who are we as a people?
Where did we come from and where are we going?

In addition he asked what we can do better. Perhaps we could do the following issues:
We can concentrate on developing electric cars which do not pollute our environment.
We must find alternative power sources such as wind, solar and water power.
We must fight for the free education to everyone also Dalit women in lesser-developed countries.

To sum up, we must take care of, especially, poor people and our environment.

Best regards Maarit