Economic growth and our decisions

Economic growth and our decisions

Postby Uber » Tue May 05, 2020 11:01 pm

I would like to exchange ideas about economic growth and what we can do to success in that complex game. Let´s consider the next questions:
1. ¿Can governments assure economic and social development to their citizens with less economic grow?
2. ¿Should the economic growth metrics be updated to include factors related to the social development in each society or country?
3. ¿How the economic system should change to eliminate the financial and trade speculation and to assure that the advances from technological development, investigation and education become in social development for the whole people, without any Kind of discrimination?
4. ¿As citizens, can we eliminate some expenses to live with less money?
5. ¿Are we able to share or use commune resources in community facilities to spend less money and facilitate the social development with less economic growth.
Thank, thanks a lot.

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