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2. Skeuomorph connections

PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:13 am
by Maarit
• Greek temples: The rectangular blocks under the visible underside of a balcony of the cornice of the Greek Doric temple. This is studded with guttae.
• Microsoft Bob includes a lot of visual metaphors which flourish to the contents of a story. It has been planned to the use of families but it has not get success.
• Apple Computers: At Apple, where pixel-perfect standards are the norm, many designers believe skeuomorphism has significantly degraded the user experience and therefore they do not work at Apple.
• Visual metaphors: “A familiar example is the technique of juxtaposing a picture of a sports car . . . with the image of a panther, suggesting that the product has comparable qualities of speed, power, and endurance. A variation on this common technique is to merge elements of the car and the wild animal, creating a composite image. . . ."
• Sounds: the click sound of a shutter in an analog camera that is now reproduced in a digital camera by playing a sound clip.

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