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Unit 5

PostPosted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:25 pm
by Eva

I often use drills to teach new vocabulary, especially to practise pronunciation or some phrases, collocations.
I have never used chants before but I will try to find some now and use them as I think it can be fun for kids and really useful to teach them new words and phrases as well.


Re: Unit 5

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 6:50 am
by Admin
Hi Eva, thanks for posting. Oh yes, chants are a good thing to do. You know, you can even do them with adults, very occasionally as a fun way to end a lesson for example. But only with a group that you know well, I wouldn't do it on the first day with a new group, they might not understand and think it childish!
If you try a chant, let us know how it went, ok?