Postby ILIANA VIC » Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:37 pm

A writing activy that I like to do is sitting in a circle
Each student has a sheet of paper folded as a fan, it could have as many sides as you wish.
tthe teacher has previously set some questions. who is in the story? where are they? where is he-she-they going? what happened? who helped....? how was it solved?
Students write in the first slide the answer for the first question, then they fold the fan so the answer is covered. passed the paper to the student on the right.
Keep asking until you finish the questions.
at the end every student get their original pape and then they read their story.
some of the stories are not logical, but still fun to read.
This could be the draft for a story or just keep it that way. All depends on the age of your students.

Re: UNIT 7

Postby Willy » Thu Jan 18, 2018 1:00 pm

That is interesting, another activity that I like to do is to write a short story when they are on their chairs in teams, they have to add just one sentences to the story they have, at the end we have different and funny situations

Re: UNIT 7

Postby Oksana » Sun Mar 29, 2020 6:41 am

I teach students from 3 to 7 years old, some of them are just tracing letters and color pictures with words on the letter, but my oldest kids like to do writing trough competition and games, such as running dictation (I divide them into groups and one person is a runner, who runs and reads the words and second person is a writer, who writes a dictation, then they change roles), or on each topic they write on peaces of paper one correct sentence and one that is wrong, then students try to guess what statement is true and what is wrong and who has written the paper.

Re: UNIT 7

Postby Irina » Wed Apr 29, 2020 7:06 pm

As for teenages, first I use the example of writing (letters or essay) in order to show the clear structure but I cut it into some pieces. Each of group should put in right order.
Then we discuss the cliches and usefull phrases.
Finally, ss write their own writting. Extra task as an exchanging the writing with a partner

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