Classroom games

Classroom games

Postby fonix1159 » Sat Nov 12, 2011 7:17 pm

There are two games that I use in the classroom which are very funny and students love them. The first one is a memory card game. This is very useful for vocabulary, and you need as many card sets as groups you have in the classroom. Another game that I play with my students is a mime game. I write sentences in a piece of paper, and one student has to gesticulate it in front of the class, the first student who says a correct sentence with the action wins. For example, last week I played the game with my 2n ESO students and they had to say sentences using the present progressive.

Re: Classroom games

Postby Admin » Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:24 pm

Oh yes, I used to do that game too! And a fun alternative was to draw the sentences rather than mime them. Let me see, how did it go? Two teams. One person from each team came up to the board and I showed them a sentence written down. They then had to go to their groups and draw the sentence in any way they can, no speaking or miming allowed! When the group guessed the sentence correctly, the next person came up for a new sentence. The sentences all followed the same pattern. So for example if I wanted to practise the present continuous I established what the sentence pattern was eg She is _______ ing __________. and all the sentences followed this pattern: She is dancing a tango. She is spying on the neighbours. She is baking a cake. etc. Very noisy game!
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