unit 3

unit 3

Postby Irene Sánchez » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:21 am

3. The following adjectives are those ones I'll use with intermediate students: easy-going, optimistic, cheerful, sociable, insecure, calm, outgoing, hardworking, intelligent, obstinate.
Iç've chosen these ones as I thing the others are more complexes.

4. This is a list of false friends in spanish:

Word -- Real meaning -- false friend

Actually -- En realidad -- Actualmente
Agenda -- Orden del dia-- Agenda
To assist -- ayudar -- asistir
Blank -- vacio, en blanco -- blanco
Brave -- Valiente -- Bravo
Constipated -- estreñido -- costipado
Costume -- traje --- costumbre
Embarassed -- avergonzado -- embarazada
Exit -- salida -- éxito
Irene Sánchez

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