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Unit 7. Discussion topic

PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 8:48 pm
by sipan
2. Interactive listening lessons, listening develops through face-to-face communication and is part of an active process. We stress the clear link between listening and speaking and highlight that effective comprehension doesn’t necessarily require perfect comprehension. Students are then able to build personal listening strategies to help them identify and control challenging listening situations. Learners can practice interactive strategies for entering and exiting conversations, clarifying, turn taking, interrupting and using confirmation questions to name a few. As for non-interactive lessons, listening develops through watching movies, listening to songs and listening to someone or a teacher reading a book.

4. There are of course a variety of ways that the teachers can lead their lesson and students more interactive. Except the ways mentioned in excercise 5 there are some other ways for sure such as: the teachers ask the students to be in pairs and talk about a problem and another pair can re-describe their negotiation with corrections or doing the same with groups.