Classroom Organization

Classroom Organization

Postby Miguel Del Valle » Tue Jun 13, 2017 7:19 pm

I always try to be dynamic during my lessons, that involves changing the classroom seating arrangement depending on the activities students carry out.
I also tend to vary the classroom interaction patterns among the students, so the class does not become redundant and boring, if the activity is challenging enough or it requires team work, I make students get in groups of 4 or 5 so they can help each other and interact with someone else. This is the way I promote constructive communication during the lesson. If the activity is not challenging that does not mean that students need to work on their own the whole time. I also ask them to work in pairs for simpler activities with communicative purposes.
The main reason why I do this is to engage students to the lesson and make them feel motivated. As they are young, they are always active, and if I do not move them they could even lose their minds and get frustrated.
Miguel Del Valle

Re: Classroom Organization

Postby Elisa » Mon Oct 16, 2017 10:59 pm

You mentioned a very important matter, pair and group work help students understanding better some topics while they explain each other in more simple ways. Thank you for sharing.

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