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Unit 3 - Lesson aims

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 11:37 am
by Leonor
Takeaway English 1
-Topic: Simple Past
-Linguistic aims: To Be (past) , Regular / Irregular verbs ( Affirmative/Negative/Interrogative forms). Rules.
-Communicative aims: Read and understand a text in past. Understand a listening in past. Use the Simple Past in a real context.
-Activity types: listening , reading , writing and speaking.
-Apropiate age of group: 6th level (Primary) / 1st ESO

Re: Unit 3 - Lesson aims

PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 11:31 am
by neus
Topic: Simple Past
-Linguistic aims: To Be (past tense) , Regular verb / Irregular verbs in different forms such as (Affirmative/Negative/Interrogative) contruction.
-Communicative aims: Read and understand a text in past tense. Understanding and listening in past text . Use the Simple Past in a real context.
-Activity types: listening , reading , writing and speaking.

Re: Unit 3 - Lesson aims

PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 9:44 pm
by Mse
Topic: Simple past
Linguistic aims: past simple (verb 'to be', regular and irregular verbs, affirmative, negative and interrogative form)
Communicative aims: be able to talk about past events
Activity types:
1. Grammar (fill the chart) - focus on form and meaning, individual work
2. Listening - controlled practice
3. Speaking - put the language into real use, freer practice (pair work at first, then it becomes an open class activity)

Re: Unit 3 - Lesson aims

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 3:11 pm
by Ana
Topic: past simple.
Linguistic aims:to be; past simple. Regular/irregular verbs, affirmative/negative/interrogative form.
Communicative aims: use the past tense in a real context.
Activity types: grammar: fill in the gaps, listening: controlled practice, speaking: work in pairs.

Re: Unit 3 - Lesson aims

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:41 am
by Admin
Thanks for posting Ana!