Takeaway English 1

Takeaway English 1

Postby Linda Castilla » Thu May 31, 2018 11:57 pm

• Topic
Vacation/past events

• Linguistic aim
Learners practice the use of simple past of the verb to be and some regular (want, watch, enjoy, like) and irregular verbs (go, have, eat, take) in affirmative, negative, and interrogative.

• Communicative aims
a) Learners read and complete a chart with verbs in the past.
b) Learners complete a conversation writing the verbs in parenthesis in simple past.
c) Learners ask a partner about a vacation he or she took in the past and report it to the class.

• Activity types
a) a language focused fill in the gaps
b) a language focused controlled practice and a listening.
c) a freer practice
Linda Castilla

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