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Unit 10 - Assessment and Feedback

PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:08 pm
by Daniela Castro
1.Do you use continuous assessment? Explain why/why not.
Yes, because sometimes it is important for students to notice how they are improving and with this continuous assessment teachers can have a record of what and how students are doing in the class.

2.Is continuous assessment difficult to evaluate?
I consider that using continuous assessment is better because if learners have some difficulties or struggles during the learning process it is easier for the teacher to notice it and work with the learners on it and not until the very end of the course.

3. What information does continuous assessment give the teacher that tests don't give?
Specific struggles that the learners might have with the language and that can be corrected at the moment.

4. Does continuous assessment create more work for the teacher?
No, because the assessment doesn't have to be a quiz. The students can be assess with the activities they do every they.

Re: Unit 10 - Assessment and Feedback

PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 10:36 pm
by Diana
Daniela, I have enjoyed your comments and opinions. Thanks for being so punctual and diligent.