Discussion topics

Discussion topics

Postby Vianey Álvarez Ríos » Sat Oct 21, 2017 3:05 am

1.-Whose planning style is most like your own – Deniz's, Paolo's, Erika's or none of these? Why?
I make a lesson plan like Erika because I based the lesson in a theme, in this way students show more interest to learn. . I prefer make planning considering different and relevant activities for the students they can use their abilities in order to participate in class when the lessons are not the same all the time. I make planning considering next way:
1. Introductory activity.
2. Present vocabulary according to the theme.
3. Match vocabulary with pictures.
4. Make a Role play.
5. Listening strategies.
6. Written exercises.
7. In some cases work in a web page, play interactive games according to the topic or even they like sing song , it make more interesting the class for them. The activities must be different if I want students be participative.

2. Which qualities do you think are most important in planning a unit of work? Give your reasons. Choose from this list, and add others if necessary:

The activities must be different, if you planning taking account the learning style of the students the classes can be successful, lessons must be relevant in order to encourage students to participate and mobilize their knowledge.

3. When you plan a lesson, do you...
I plan a series of lessons; I prefer make planning for several lessons and if there is something to be modifying I will change according to the needs.

4. What advice would you give a new teacher who says, "I spend hours and hours planning a scheme of work: I seem to go round and round, not getting anywhere"? I consider that not is necessary spent hour and hour planning it´s just make planning according to the necessity of the students, to be more flexible and take account the learning style of the students in order to variety the strategies and activities to be more interesting the classes.
Vianey Álvarez Ríos

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