Unit2 Planning a Unit of Work

Unit2 Planning a Unit of Work

Postby Jessica Martínez » Tue Oct 17, 2017 5:00 am

1.- Whose planning style is most like your own – Deniz's, Paolo's, Erika's or none of these? Why?
I think my planning style is like Deniz, because I plan my classes using achievements for unit. I alternate vocabulary and grammar and I try to keep an order of activities per day. But sometimes I balance the activities using listening skills as songs or interesting text like Paolo.

2.- I think all qualities are important, but the most important in planning a unit of work are relevance, balance, variety of activities, logical order and flow and creativity .

3.- I teach in a secondary school where the students have three classes a week, for that reason, I am planning per week. I order my lesson plan in active, practice and closing moments.
First I read and analyze the achievements, then, I check the coursebook activities and choose the most important activities. After, I think in an interesting warm up related to the topic and start planning the activities; if there is an explanation, I teach after the activation, then continues with the practice using different kind of exercise. Finally I give them an extra exercise, dialogue, song, text to reaffirm the topic.
Jessica Martínez

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