Deniz’ planning style is most like my own, because I work with teenagers too.
I agree with this kind of class organization. In secondary teachers' didactic sequence, It is important a regular routine for giving confidence to students, it is for the emotional part and after in my sequence has a real learning situation, a problem to resolve, in this point the students think how to do it. The lesson should have a logical order, for this I divide it in initiation, development and closing every class.
In initiation part I usually start by presenting and practicing a real learning situation to focus the achievements of the syllabus.
In development, students analyze, understand the video, text or listening track and answer some vocabulary, grammar or comprehension activities or sometimes make a product in individual form, pairs or teams.
Finally in closing time, the students conclude what they learned in this lesson and what the usefulness has in his daily life.
My opinion with respect to the qualities are most important in planning a unit work are:
Variety is important so that the student is attentive and active all the time.
Logic causes order and student learning is processed.
Relevance gives importance to learning by knowing that you can use it in daily life.
Balance helps to strengthen the student's human development, covering all four language skills and learning styles.
Cohesion provides a close and logical relationship between each activity of the planning of each class to achieve the expected learning.
Flow in class is important, indispensable and fun because where there is movement there is interest and energy to perform one activity after another and get the learning.
know your students, know how they learn and feel empathy for them. These three actions connect us with our students' the cognitive thinking, learning style, emotions and feelings and do our work easier.
When I plan a lesson, write a strategic plan (series of lessons) according for each unit achievement, it is a simple and short lesson plan, with 3 or 4 learning situations, each one has student activities, teaching intervention and evaluation plan. Based on that plan, I can plan the teaching sequence each week with more details and modify what is necessary at that time, according to the performance of the groups and the results obtained in each session.
I start focusing on the objectives, which are 4 or 5 by the specific competition and the final product, then I think of a real situation that is of the interest of teenagers and plan the activities focusing on the ability to develop marked in the unit, of knowledge recovery and assimilation that are evaluated by compliance. Finally the consolidation activities are evaluated according to a rubric shown at the beginning so that the student knows the requirements and their value before doing them.
Unfortunately, I do not take the textbook as often as I want, the reason is that the level is higher than students’ level, so I check the most correct activities to do easily for them, otherwise the students are frustrated, we use it because it is something that they like, and me as a teacher serves as an important support for audios.
My didactic sequence is planned in a great detail because I like to have my teaching work controlled in written form in all aspects because my style of learning is visual and my temperament is sanguine-choleric. At the beginning of the class, I start with a general idea of a real situation, according the specific competency of the program
My advice for a new teacher about planning a unit of work would be:
1. First do a diagnosis test.
2. Get the results and plan some classes with elemental classroom vocabulary: Greetings, farewells, classroom things, instructions and permissions, write the date (days, months and ordinals numbers)
3. Do some tests about learning styles and temperaments. Know his familiar context, likes and dislikes with a written and simple interview.
4. After focus on the objectives and the product. Choose interesting and real context for teenagers, plan short and dynamic activities, and evaluated with activities where they show their learning.
Deniz’ planning style is most like my own, because I work with teenagers too.
I agree with this kind of class organization. In secondary teachers' didactic sequence, It is important a regular routine for giving confidence to students, it is for the emotional part and after in my sequence has a real learning situation, a problem to resolve, in this point the students think how to do it. The lesson should have a logical order, for this I divide it in initiation, development and closing every class.
In initiation part I usually start by presenting and practicing a real learning situation to focus the achievements of the syllabus.
In development, students analyze, understand the video, text or listening track and answer some vocabulary, grammar or comprehension activities or sometimes make a product in individual form, pairs or teams.
Finally in closing time, the students conclude what they learned in this lesson and what the usefulness has in his daily life.
My opinion with respect to the qualities are most important in planning a unit work are:
Variety is important so that the student is attentive and active all the time.
Logic causes order and student learning is processed.
Relevance gives importance to learning by knowing that you can use it in daily life.
Balance helps to strengthen the student's human development, covering all four language skills and learning styles.
Cohesion provides a close and logical relationship between each activity of the planning of each class to achieve the expected learning.
Flow in class is important, indispensable and fun because where there is movement there is interest and energy to perform one activity after another and get the learning.
know your students, know how they learn and feel empathy for them. These three actions connect us with our students' the cognitive thinking, learning style, emotions and feelings and do our work easier.
When I plan a lesson, write a strategic plan (series of lessons) according for each unit achievement, it is a simple and short lesson plan, with 3 or 4 learning situations, each one has student activities, teaching intervention and evaluation plan. Based on that plan, I can plan the teaching sequence each week with more details and modify what is necessary at that time, according to the performance of the groups and the results obtained in each session.
I start focusing on the objectives, which are 4 or 5 by the specific competition and the final product, then I think of a real situation that is of the interest of teenagers and plan the activities focusing on the ability to develop marked in the unit, of knowledge recovery and assimilation that are evaluated by compliance. Finally the consolidation activities are evaluated according to a rubric shown at the beginning so that the student knows the requirements and their value before doing them.
Unfortunately, I do not take the textbook as often as I want, the reason is that the level is higher than students’ level, so I check the most correct activities to do easily for them, otherwise the students are frustrated, we use it because it is something that they like, and me as a teacher serves as an important support for audios.
My didactic sequence is planned in a great detail because I like to have my teaching work controlled in written form in all aspects because my style of learning is visual and my temperament is sanguine-choleric. At the beginning of the class, I start with a general idea of a real situation, according the specific competency of the program
My advice for a new teacher about planning a unit of work would be:
1. First do a diagnosis test.
2. Get the results and plan some classes with elemental classroom vocabulary: Greetings, farewells, classroom things, instructions and permissions, write the date (days, months and ordinals numbers)
3. Do some tests about learning styles and temperaments. Know his familiar context, likes and dislikes with a written and simple interview.
4. After focus on the objectives and the product. Choose interesting and real context for teenagers, plan short and dynamic activities, and evaluated with activities where they show their learning.