Unit 5, Question 1

Unit 5, Question 1

Postby Gemla » Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:07 pm

I try never to avoid learners' errors in class because in my experience they and their classmates can always learn from them. Sometimes I ut them in pairs to do speaking activities and I monitor them without intervening. I make notes of their mistakes and after we finish, I put them on the board and the class work as one to correct the sentences

Re: Unit 5, Question 1

Postby Admin » Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:06 am

Sure, Gemma, avoiding errors is not really possible, they are a fact of life! And as you say, there are many ways that we as teachers can deal with errors: sometimes we ignore them, sometimes we prompt srudents to self-correct, other times we can re-phrase languahe for them and ask them to repeat or, as you do, take note of them and deal with them after the activity is finished.
Thanks for writing!
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