Using the internet

Using the internet

Postby anna » Tue Nov 08, 2011 3:28 pm

I use internet in class very often. I like looking for reading comprehension exercises, vocabulary games, grammar activities, videos and listenings. There's plenty to choose from! I don't use email to communicate with students that much. Guess I am still not used to it and panic at the thought of having to check 200 mails a day. Since we all know that internet doesn't always work, I usually download the activities I need and have them in a flashdrive so I can use them whenever I need them without having to worry about the connection.
As for predicting the future of how teaching languages is going to change with technology, I am not sure. It will affect the way we are giving lessons and help us to teach better, but this doesn't mean the role of the teacher is going to change, especially not with young learners. After all, they are always going to need someone to tell them how to do things at the beginning and learn from them!

Re: Using the internet

Postby Admin » Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:30 am

Hi Anna, thanks for posting. I can see why you don't want to use email to keep in touch with students - as you say, it could easily get out of hand and you'd be spending your entire time answering emails. Probably a better way to stay in touch with a group would be through a blog - no? Rather than communicating with individual students, teachers can address the whole group at once. Also it opens up the possibility for students to communicate with each other. That would probably be more efficient and productive.
Take crae,
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Re: Using the internet

Postby Anna » Sat Nov 12, 2011 12:08 pm

Pieter, thanks for commenting on my post. We actually use blogs at school, we have blogs of all our exchange programmes and I have one for my students where I usually post their compositions so that we can work on them in class and in bigger groups. But they also mean lots of work! We know sometimes other people might use them in the wrong way...but yes, I agree blogs are a very good idea!

Re: Using the internet

Postby Admin » Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:09 pm

Maybe I missed some information from eariler on, but what kind of a school do you work for? It sounds like you use quite a lot of technology!
Bye for now,
Site Admin
Posts: 914
Joined: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:46 pm

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