Unit 9 – Using the Internet

Unit 9 – Using the Internet

Postby Wedad Ali » Fri Oct 02, 2015 8:13 pm

Unit 9 – Using the Internet

Q1-I don't use the email and the Internet much I'm my class nor with the students. Most of the times, I use the email to send the students my PPTs which I make for the lessons. While in other class, I use it to send them extra materials. When it comes to the teachers forums, I don' belong to any.

Q2- The main problem is the internet connection instability. In addition, the class duration doesn't help me to add anything rather than the information in the coursebook. To solve such problems, we need to have plan B such as screen-shut the website and give the activity as a worksheet activity. For the other problem, we can guide the students to the websites activities, which they can do at home. After that, we can have five minutes from the next class to discuss the answers together.

Q3- I believe that we are going to have the "robot" teachers who are going to replace the "human" teachers just like the Chinese and Japanese projects. Of course projects from this kind will affect the future role of the teachers though it'll make teaching easier. But I don't think that the human teachers will be replaced 100% due to the extreme importance of the human communication.
Wedad Ali

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