unit 9

unit 9

Postby Marisol Tavera » Fri Nov 17, 2017 11:58 pm

How have you used email and the Internet to help you in your teaching? For example, have you ever used materials from the Internet in your classes? Do you use email to communicate with your students? Do you belong to any kind of teaching forum?
No, I don´t use interet in class, but I like looking for Reading comprhension exercises, gramar activities, tutorials and we use a blog.

What are some problems involved in using the Internet in your teaching? How would you suggest avoiding or solving these problems?
well, we haven´t free Access to internet, we haven´t computers on the school, but i share some pages with my students, they can watch some videos on their cell phones.

Make some predictions about the way technology is likely to affect the teaching of languages in the next five to ten years. For example, what kinds of translation and interactive programs will we be using? Will this make teaching easier? Will it affect the role of the teacher?
technology is very helpful for english teacher and students, it won´t affect the role of the teacher, because students need help to understand it better.
Marisol Tavera

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