Course evaluation and self evaluation.
Question number 1) I have always used the box with the new vocabulary but without writing definitions I write the words on the board and they just do a self-assessment of what they remember and write a sentence with the words they do not remember to try to memorize them. I also do activity number four by doing a small survey to find out what activities my students like the most, and if it is possible to include some suggestions, if they want they can give it without a name. The activity I never have done and it´s very interesting is to record a speaking activity, so students can listen if they speak very slowly or quietly and of course if their pronunciation is correct.
Question number 2) My suggestion is to ask the students their opinion about the evaluation, is it fair? What aspect or task do you think should have a higher percentage in the final evaluation? the written exam, the project, homework etc. and they can also answer anonymously.
Question number 3) The activity I use the most is the student feedback to improve my classes in order to make them more interesting for them and I give recommendations to the whole group in general, I suggest them the online activities they can do to improve some aspects of their learning or performance emphasizing that each one knows what aspect of the learning process the have to improve because previously I have made them know through notes in your notebook or book or with a direct recommendation.