Marta BBertran
Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 4:47 pm
Three famous people...
He was born in Catalonian
Has was born in 1876
He was one of the best cellist in history
His second home was Puerto Rico
One of this most famous compositions is the authem of the United Nations
He was born in 1852
He is the most popular architect in history
He knoked down a streetcar
His revolution of architecture and plastic arts is in the beginnig of contemporany and future art.
Your principal work is the Expiatory Temple, to witch he dedicated fotty three years of hi life and where he had has professional office.
He born in s. XIII
He was a plilosopher, poet, mystic, teologian, scientist...
He invented the compass
He was one of the creators of literary Catalan
He had a vision that transformed his life
He was born in Catalonian
Has was born in 1876
He was one of the best cellist in history
His second home was Puerto Rico
One of this most famous compositions is the authem of the United Nations
He was born in 1852
He is the most popular architect in history
He knoked down a streetcar
His revolution of architecture and plastic arts is in the beginnig of contemporany and future art.
Your principal work is the Expiatory Temple, to witch he dedicated fotty three years of hi life and where he had has professional office.
He born in s. XIII
He was a plilosopher, poet, mystic, teologian, scientist...
He invented the compass
He was one of the creators of literary Catalan
He had a vision that transformed his life