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unit 5. famous//true-false

PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 5:04 pm
by cristina
this famous person: Michael Jordan

He was born on February the 23th, 1963.
He was born in Brooklyn, New York.
He lived with his family in north Carolina
He is a sportsperson.
He's a basketball player
He play in NBA, in the Unit States of America.
He play with Scottie Pippen, in Chicago Bulls.
He's married and He has four children, three boys and one girl.
His wife's name is Juanita.
Juanita was born in Mexico D.F.
Michael Jordan doesn't have driving license.
Jordan has retired from basketball

It's True?

Ian Thorpe:

1. He is an American swimmer.It´s False. He is an Australian swimmer.
2. He was born in 1982. It's True.
3. He lives in Sydney. It's True.
4. His mother is a gardener, and his father is a teacher.It´s False. His mother is a teacher and his father is a gardener.
5. He is the author of a book called The Journey. It's True.

Re: unit 5. famous//true-false

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 2:39 am
by martint
this famous person: Michael Jordan

- He doesn’t were born on 23th February 1963. He was born on 17th February 1963.
- He doesn’t play. He is retired of the competition.
- He doesn’t have four children. He has tree children, two boys and a girl.