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Hello and sentences of internet.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:59 am
by Tere
My name's Tere I'm 42, I work as secretary at Generalitat too, my english is null, but I trust to make the best of the course.

These are my sentences:
1-yesterday i went to a bonfire at the beach, for roll your own blackout. it was a wonderful time
2-Swimming with the Whale Yesterday I went snorkeling with a small group at an island that is a few miles from here. The snorkeling there was great...
3-Yesterday I went to Stepanagert with the expectation that all my stone cutting equipment would be ready.
4-Yesterday, I went to eat dinner with my two English teachers and my English classmates. We ate too much, drank and talked a lot, so I enjoyed
5-Yesterday I went outside. With my mama’s Nielson jar. Caught a lovely butterfly.
6-So yesterday I went shopping. I bought Belle And Sebastian’s “This Is Just A Modern Rock Songâ€