Net Search (unit 6)

Net Search (unit 6)

Postby M. José » Tue Apr 15, 2008 7:31 am

- Yerterday, I went to a bonfire at the beach for roll your own backout.
- Yesterday, I went to eat dinner with my two English teachers and my English classmates.
- Yesterday, I went snorkeling with a small group at an island that is a few miles from here.
- Yesterday, I went to Stepanagert with the expectation that all my stone cutting equipment would be ready.
- Yesterday, I went to Padalarang-Bandung to meet my client and went to restaurant.
- Yesterday, I met a young man named Peter Sommerville.
- Yesterday, I met a women who called me on Monday to discuss "a business opportunity".
- Yesterday, I read the first two chapter of Carolyn Heibrun's The Last Gift of Time: Life Beyond Sixty.
- Yesterday, I had an inspiring.
- Yesterday, I had an ice-cream.
M. José

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