in and out food

in and out food

Postby nicolás » Wed Apr 20, 2016 8:56 pm

Before i totally thought that all the red meat was great for your body and a great protein source, well, later i saw in some news that yes, red meat is a great source of protein, but it also raises the chance of having cancer, so i still eat red meat but in a smaller quantity.

A meal I thought was terrible were burgers, but later on i was told that burgers are a lot better than other meals, so also i eat them, but in a low quantity too.

Re: in and out food

Postby Admin » Mon Apr 25, 2016 7:37 am

Hi Nicolas, I know, it's disappointing. But in fact even before these revelations about cancer I more or less stopped eating it - I found it indigestible and there are also other issues...
Can I help with something?
i saw in some news = I saw in the news / I read in the news
A meal I thought was terrible were burgers= Hamburger is not a meal. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are meals. A hamburger is a dish: A dish that I thought was terrible for you....
See you,
Site Admin
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Joined: Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:46 pm

Re: in and out food

Postby Luna Rodríguez » Tue May 09, 2017 2:09 am

Sadly I've been seeing this to, and red meat does not only increase the probability to have cancer, it also ca be a fact to develop arthritis, and I've heard that afer you're 30 years old, it's so important to reduce the quantite of red meat that you eat.
Luna Rodríguez

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