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PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2018 10:38 pm
by Inocencia Correa
1. What would you advise Roger Ridgway to do?
It is not easy to recognize an addiction and this is according to experts the first step to get rid of any bad habit. I would give him some pieces of advice, but he probably would get angry, because he should have to fed up to such dependence and get ready to kick it. However, if he wants to change this situation I would tell him:
-If you don’t really like your way of life, try to change it. Do something.
-Go to a professional to look for help.
-It is not going to be easy, so don’t give up.
2. Do you think that Net addiction is exaggerated? Is it another case of media hype?
These days, there are many people that don’t have a satisfactory social life for different reasons, and they fill this empty hole on the Net. As much time they spend on the social media as much addicted they became.
3. Do we really live in an age of addiction? Can you think of any other so-called addictions that may be an invention of the media?
I think we live in the age of being over informed. We know all about the habits, the tendencies, the thoughts of million people almost immediately. And there are statistics everywhere and analysts that say this or that, and every human behavior is classified as illness, addiction or tendencies.
4. Do you use a computer regularly? What do you use it for? Could you live without it? Why/Why not?
I use my laptop every day, not only in my job but also in my private life to do many things, as pay taxes, buy things, make appointments, do chores, etc.

Re: Addictions

PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 5:12 am
by Guest
1. I advise him to go to a specialist of health such as Psychiatrist to prescribe the right medicine to deal with his obssession as well as a nutritionist to help him with his eating habits.

2. I think that Net addiction is in fact exaggerated for those who are really emotional and are not satisfied with their social life. But currently, Net addiction is increasing since this pandemie put everybody against the wall. Almost everybody has to do home office, and eventually, they may suffer from a Net addiction.

3. As I said above, nowadays, coronavirus era, we are expossed and vulnerable to be addicted to something specially means of communication such as media and internet.

4. I use my laptop almost everyday like three hours. I use it for doing homework mainly. I don't think I am addicted to internet- not even social networks. So, I may say I can enjoy life!