TV programmes about missing people

TV programmes about missing people

Postby Anna G. » Sun Jun 11, 2017 8:24 am

I don't know if there is now any television program about missing people, but I remember one that was very famous in Spain. It was called “Quién sabe dónde” (“Who Knows Where”) and presented by Paco Lobaton. It was broadcast in the nineties by the Spanish television (Televisión Española) and had several seasons. I didn't follow it very much, but it was usually the topic of conversation with family, coworkers or friends. I think that it exposed almost three thousand cases of missing people and, thanks to the program, 70% of them were solved.

The most famous case was that of the girls of Alcàsser, a very sad case in which three girls of about fourteen years were kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered by two common criminals. One of them escaped and has not yet been found.
Anna G.

Re: TV programmes about missing people

Postby Anna G. » Sat Jun 17, 2017 7:40 am

Sorry, I wanted to say "...three girls about fourteen years old were kidnapped, ...". I write too fast and posts can't be edited.
Anna G.

Re: TV programmes about missing people

Postby Admin » Tue Jun 20, 2017 12:27 pm

Oh yes, I remember that programme. I had forgotten about it - really 70% of cases were sollved thanks to this show? That's quite remarkable!
Thanks for writing Anna!
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