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Missing people net searching

PostPosted: Sat Sep 23, 2017 3:26 am
by Luna Rodríguez
I found a web site to found information about missing people, it's called Kidnappings & Missing Persons, and I think it's releated to the FBI. I tried to found any information about Betty Ross but I didn't find anything.
Even though I found a lot of people who's missing, and in the site tehy are in tehe most wanted section.
There's a story about a women called Carla Vicentini, she was born in Brasil, and the last time she was seen has on 2006 getting out of a bar in the aerly morning. There's a thoery about she was intoxicated and with an unidentified male. She told a friend she was going aoutside with that man to see a picture and after that she never was seen again. The FBI offer a $20.000 reward for any information about her or about the responsable about.

I'm not sure about how usefull are this sites, I hope that for people who really need it, it helps them.