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Betty Ross

PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 1:55 pm
by Beatriz Bethencourt
I think she had been planning her scape for months and had been stashing cash in a secret account, clothes, etc and whatever else she needed in a safe storage somewhere in readiness for his new life... It is very easy these days to obtain a fake passport and a new identity, change physical appearance... and she could be anywhere in the world trying to get some sense out of his life.
And for that, she needed to start a new life without anyone trying to influence her.
Some husbands may be excessively dominant and manipulative and they would never accept a divorce as a solution. In these cases, the only option is to disappear without leaving a trace. It is sad because of the children, but there is no other option.

Re: Betty Ross

PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 10:11 pm
by Jaime
My answers!!
I assumed that she was murdered, the story did not give clues about her husband, however, I think he did not kill her, this kind of stories usually ends with the death of the protagonist, although the murderer can change, sometimes it is more familiar. . , but in this case I do not suspect her husband.
In my country, Colombia is famous for its television program of family welfare, it is the government's institute to protect the rights of children, people can see it at 7 pm and for one or two minutes, it shows children who have appeared , they also give addresses or telephone number to communicate. The program began forty years ago.
If I want to disappear, I leave my house when I am alone, I would not leave a letter, or any writing, I would also change my mobile phone and I would not check my email or my social networks for one or two weeks. To keep people from following me.

Thanks for your attention!!.

Net search

PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2019 10:19 pm
by Jaime
My answers!!.
I had watched some TV programs in my country Colombia, of this kind, I remember many histories about the Eurpoean adopted children looking for in Colombia to biological partents, after many years, also at the weekends evening is frequently the programs about tragical killers, the majority of histories start with dissapear of starring, and show how the police discover the truth about it. The name of program is " the trail".
Thanks for your attention!!