Strange collections

Strange collections

Postby nancyaranda » Fri Dec 21, 2018 12:16 am

I search on Internet and I found out a person who collects coca-cola cans. His name is David Andreani and he is 39 years old. He started collecting coca-cola cans since he was 15.
I also found a weird hobbie some who like extreme ironing.

Re: Strange collections

Postby daisy corrales » Thu Dec 27, 2018 3:25 am

To start with this reply I am going to say that i respect the preferences and choices each person has, so with that said i searched the internet like the task said and i found that a person collected different toothpaste tubes from around the world and that another collected rubber bands. i think it is a bit odd and even weird maybe to collect these types of objects.
daisy corrales

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