Lottery tickets... /

Lottery tickets... /

Postby Carles » Fri May 21, 2010 8:49 am

1) Do you buy lottery tickets? Sometimes, often, all the time?

I never buy lottery tickets because I don’t believe it. But recently, I have a friend who has great passion to get rich and encourages them to buy. He says go to the Cayman Islands.

2) Have you ever won anything?

Never, but I'm not surprised because I do not buy lottery Often.

3) what would you do if you found a lottery ticket and it won a prize?

I think, save some it, give some of it to charity and buy a car.

Would you return the money to its owner?

I don’t return the money to its owner.

4) Do you know any good “lottery” stories?

I do not know any history about the lottery, but I've always thought that the rich always winut it's true.

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