chat unit 3

chat unit 3

Postby susanna » Wed Nov 03, 2010 5:09 pm

1-I think that the animals which are in risk of extinction are tigers, elephants and gorilas. We can do many things to protect them, such as hire workers that look after them, or even people who’s job is to find the traps which hunters put to the animals. The major risk of extintion is people who hunt animals, so we have to look for them and send them to prision. We also can grow up the animals in zoos so nobody disturbs or kills them.

2-In my country there’s an animal which is in danger of extinction: the linux (lince iberico). This animal lives in the mountains of the center of Spain but it is disappearing. People try to find hunters, and many zoos have taken couples of this animal and grown other. When they havem any, the zoo send them to the mountain, because this is his place to live in.

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