Cheated online?
Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 9:20 am
I don't usually shop online. Sometimes I had bought books, household items, and also clothes but just on a website where I already know the size that fits me well. My sister buys a lot online, even shoes for her daughters and her, and all her online shopping experiences have been satisfactory. So, once I decided to buy a pair of shoes, a nice black clogs with wodden high-heels that I had been looking for in shoe shops but I couldn't find. When I received them I was surprised to discover that the wodden heels were much more higher than I had expected and that they seemed to have in the photos on the Internet. It was such a hig-heel that I thought they weren't the same clogs I saw. I only worn them once and then I gave them to someone. But, can I say I was really cheated? The information about the heels heigh was not on the Internet. I think it should be, like I have sawn in other websites, althought I was the one who should have asked before buying the shoes, therefore, it was my fault. However I still think that the clogs of the photos on the Internet were lower that the ones they sent me.