Planning an island holiday!!

Planning an island holiday!!

Postby Gadea » Sun Apr 17, 2016 2:40 pm

After being searching about the EASTER ISLAND, I have found that the best and cheapest way to travek there is by plane, departing from Chile. About the other ones, I have made a resume about each one.

The PITCAIRN ISLANDS group is a British overseas territory, formed by the islands of Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno. Pitcairn is the only inhabited one and there is only one way to get there, a passenger-cargo ship. The islands are really famous because of their marine reserve and natural landscapes, but due to their remote situation, the population has been going down and down during the last years. This is the reason of the repopulation program they have organized, to atract people not just to spend their holiday, but to stay and live there.

About the GALAPAGOS ISLANDS, the best way to get there is by plane from Ecuador (althoug it also is posible to get there by boat). There are the major islands: Baltra (with airport), Española, Fernandina, Floreana, Genovesa, Isabela ( with airport to), Marchena, Pinta, Pinzón, San Cristóbal (with airport), Santa Cruz, Santiago and Santa Fe. Galapagos are famous for its rich biodiversity and for being the place where Charles Darwin made his research on the theory of evolution. Their are situated approximately 1,000 km from the Ecuadorian mainland.

TRISTAN DA CUNHA. Tristan da Cunha is a remote volcanic island in the South Atlantic Ocean, a very special place often called as the most remote inhabited island of the world. It is also famous for its specific Tristan culture, its natural beauty and the great natural atractives. The only way to get there is by ship, which are very expensive cruises.

Situated in the heart of the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic, the FAROE ISLANDS lie northwest of Scotland and halfway between Iceland and Norway. The archipelago is composed of 18 islands and despite its remoteness, it is possible to get there by air or sea thanks to regular flight and cruises.

Finally, ALDAMAN ISLANDS, also visitable by air and sea (departing from India), are located in the east of the Indian mainland, in the Bay of Bengal. Most of these islands are in the Andaman Group, 24 of which are inhabited. In the Nicobar group, on the other hand, 13 islands are inhabited. The Andaman and Nicobars are separated by the Ten Degree Channel which is 150 Km wide.

Taking into acount all this information, I would say that the most difficult ones to visit would be Pitcairn Islands and Tristan da Cunha. However, if I would have to choose one of them (between the five of them), I think that I would like to go to Pitcairn Islands. I don't like very much the idea of having to go by ship, but it is the only way to get there and I really think (after being investigating about the place) that the Islands have a lot to offer if, as it is my case, you love nature, astonishing natural landscapes and the opportunity to live in contact with all this scenery.

Re: Planning an island holiday!!

Postby Admin » Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:23 am

Thanks for doing the research Gadea - very good work! I wouldn't want to go by ship either - sadly I get sea sick very easily :)
See you,
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