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Online Learning

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 10:37 am
by Daniel AV

· I think that online learning have a lot advantages comparing to traditional learning. In my opinion, the main benefit for me (like a student) is that I can get a better and optimal organization of my worktime. I can decide when I want to study and do my homework, because the only thing that you need to follow your studies is a computer. Luckily, nowadays a great part of the population have a computer at home, or they have the option to acces to one in a library, for example. Another advantage of online learning is that you can study in home; you don't need to travel to any place ( high school, university campus...). Thanks to this, you can save money in transport. And the third great advantage of online learning (for me) is that the university notes and educational resources are provided directly from the online platform: I really hate taking notes! :)

On the other hand, online learning have disadvantages too. Personally, I find that some online courses from the most important universities are too expensive. This situation implies that a great part of the potential students can't afford to pay this studies. Another thing that I don't like of online learning is, although I have all the notes and educational resources at me fingertips, I prefer to study using paper documents rather than online documents. And if you want to print all the documents... It takes a lot of time (and a lot of printer ink too!).

· Apart from this online course, I can consider myself an "old veteran" in this sort of things. I started to use online learning platforms in the year 2000. It was my first year in the Information & Library Science University. It was a great experience to start, because students could enjoy of a great online educational platform, that included a lot of well-structured documents and information. A great user-friendly online campus.

· In relation to starting an online course, my advice like an user / student is that you need to be very self-disciplined with the studies and tasks. Because in this type of education it's easy to fall in procrastination (bad) habits!

Re: Online Learning

PostPosted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 10:44 am
by Daniel AV
Sorry! Corrections:

* "ACCESS to one in a library" (2nd line)

* "you can study AT home" (2nd line)