Elderly people

Are elderly people respected in your society/culture? What happens when people get too older to look after themselves?
I feel that much depends of the environments and families, although it is always a problem when older people cannot be independent and it is necessary to look for help out of home. When older people are no longer autonomous and they need to be helped, there are essentially two choices: either someone looks after them at home, or take them to a home for elderly people. But both decisions are complex and may not be the perfect solution because they are conditioned also by the needs and possibilities of those around them, and frequently old people would not agree with this decision.
Have you ever cared for an elderly relative? What was it like?
Yes, but only occasionally, I have been looking after old people and now I still take care of some; I usually have had very good experiences with them, especially if they retain all their faculties, because I think they are very grateful to visitors and especially with young people or at least younger than them. If they are healthy, it is interesting talking to them, listen to how they tell their stories and so on. Moreover, if possible, it is a good practice to take a walk with them, or going to the cinema, to the theatre or enjoy concerts, this is a way to spend a while with them and share together. But if they are ill and have lost their capabilities, then it must be very hard taking care of them, because they need specialists who know how to treat them. This is the real biggest problem that a lot of families have and that would be competence of the local or national government. I have lived many years with my parents while they were becoming older; luckily they kept good health and they had been always independents. Moreover, they got communicate to others enthusiasm for life as well as happiness. Actually I know this is unusual, since I often have seen around me among my relatives and friends very different situations and even opposed.
Do you think the local or national government should do more to look after the elderly? If so, what?
Of course, I believe that from the public institutions it must be tackle further and better this problem, because it is a fact that old people are increasing in developed countries. Being a fact that the elderly have more experience than younger, this could be a gain for the governments if they knew how to connect the innovation of younger with the experience and humanity of old people. In my opinion, for instance, this exchange of knowledge should bring a good and interesting practice to society.
Are elderly people portrayed in stereotypical ways in the media in your country?
I think that the answer is yes, elderly people are stereotyped in the media in my country. It looks like as if they were off of the active life and are treated as a homogeneous group that should be guided to do only specific activities for elderly, trips or things so on.
I feel that much depends of the environments and families, although it is always a problem when older people cannot be independent and it is necessary to look for help out of home. When older people are no longer autonomous and they need to be helped, there are essentially two choices: either someone looks after them at home, or take them to a home for elderly people. But both decisions are complex and may not be the perfect solution because they are conditioned also by the needs and possibilities of those around them, and frequently old people would not agree with this decision.
Have you ever cared for an elderly relative? What was it like?
Yes, but only occasionally, I have been looking after old people and now I still take care of some; I usually have had very good experiences with them, especially if they retain all their faculties, because I think they are very grateful to visitors and especially with young people or at least younger than them. If they are healthy, it is interesting talking to them, listen to how they tell their stories and so on. Moreover, if possible, it is a good practice to take a walk with them, or going to the cinema, to the theatre or enjoy concerts, this is a way to spend a while with them and share together. But if they are ill and have lost their capabilities, then it must be very hard taking care of them, because they need specialists who know how to treat them. This is the real biggest problem that a lot of families have and that would be competence of the local or national government. I have lived many years with my parents while they were becoming older; luckily they kept good health and they had been always independents. Moreover, they got communicate to others enthusiasm for life as well as happiness. Actually I know this is unusual, since I often have seen around me among my relatives and friends very different situations and even opposed.
Do you think the local or national government should do more to look after the elderly? If so, what?
Of course, I believe that from the public institutions it must be tackle further and better this problem, because it is a fact that old people are increasing in developed countries. Being a fact that the elderly have more experience than younger, this could be a gain for the governments if they knew how to connect the innovation of younger with the experience and humanity of old people. In my opinion, for instance, this exchange of knowledge should bring a good and interesting practice to society.
Are elderly people portrayed in stereotypical ways in the media in your country?
I think that the answer is yes, elderly people are stereotyped in the media in my country. It looks like as if they were off of the active life and are treated as a homogeneous group that should be guided to do only specific activities for elderly, trips or things so on.