• Why do you think that the dolphins helped Nikki to speak? Do you have a theory about this? Do you really think the dolphins helped, or is this a case of media exaggeration?
I think that the dolphins helped Nikki to speak, because I believe that the children create an important bond with the animals. The human brain is complex, we are far from knowing its capabilities. Interaction with an animal that does not have a preconceived idea of the child, allows it to express freely.
• Do you know any other stories about the therapeutic effect of animals?
I know other stories about animals therapy, where I worked with dogs or horses and children with motor deficits, neurological damage or cancer.
• How do you think Nikki's mother raised the £10,500? How would you raise this amount of money?
I think that Nikki's mother raised the £10,500, using the internet, publishing her story on social networks and asking for donations.