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Doping in sports

PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 3:31 pm
by Mercedes
Should doping in sport be legalised?
I condider doping shouldn't be legalized, otherwise sports competences would not be equitable for all competitors. It would depend on their capacity to have access to doping drugs and their effectiveness. Of course, it would depend on the economical suppor that their countries provide them.

Will it ever be possible to stop athletes breaking the rules to win?
Unfortunatelly, there is a need to success. Goverments always want to prove their country is better than others, so they press their athletes to win under any circumstances, this leads on athletes taking drugs in order to have a better performance.

Are athletes who take drugs cheats or are they victims?
I think they are cheats more than victims because doping is a choise not an obbligation.

Re: Doping in sports

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:33 am
by Jaime

My answers:

1. 1. I think the athletes that take drugs for breaking the rules to win must be sancioned, however there are athletes that take drugs for other reasons for example: economical or familiar problems, too is posible that they are addicted to these sustances, in these cases they shouldn´t be disqualified, rather help them.

2. 2. I don't believe this, in the most famous competitions for example, the Olympics games or the Tour of France the controls are rigorous however in the doping cases, the methodology for taking the drugs is increasingly more sophisticated and will be more difficult for the authorities to catch the implicate people

3. 3. As I wrote in the first point, there are athletes that take drugs for breaking the rules and make cheats, however there are others athletes with personal problems in their lifes. I think the autorities should analyse each case for take the better decisión: help or disqualify the athletic.

!!Thanks for your attention!!

Re: Doping in sports

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 10:06 pm
by Jaime

My answers:

These substances improve the performance in athletes of different ways : EPO increased the number of red cells in the blood, with it improve the transport of oxygen to the muscles, strengthening them. The steroids increase the size of muscles and improve the potency, these substances have been used for cyclist and weightlifters. The sports authorities have been several with the sanctions for these competitors had taken these .Some people has been disqualified of competitions for life