Extreme Sports

Extreme Sports

Postby Leticia Guerrero » Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:41 pm

Extreme Sports.
Do you know of other extreme sports? Describe them.

Extreme sports are all about the thrill. All they carry a certain wow factor.giving them a sense of appeal. Here is a list of some of them:

Scuba diving;
Even though some consider it that might not be an extreme sport think about you are up to 100 plus feet or more under the wáter and the only thing which you have is the tank of oxigen and no to mention the all types of creatures lurking below.

It’s a giant air bag which set in the middle of the lake, put a person on one end, have another one jump onto the opposite end. The higher or heavier the jumper, the bigger liftoff.

Mountain Boarding
It´s other one. this one takes on all types of terrain, and are sometimes used to do tricks or even dowhills races. Kind of across between skateboarding and snowboarding.

Or kitesurfing all you need is wind, a board and a big kite to harness into. It can be on wáter, on sand or on snow It´s is a rush. Just hope a giant gust of wind doesn´t take you away.

Pogo sticks on steroids It involves all types of flips, tricks, and jumps up to 9 feet in the air. Bet you thought pogo sticks were just for kinds.
Thi is listed from intense to outright insane.

Have you ever tried an extreme sport or done a dangerous activity?
No, I haven’t. I don´t like bigger thrill. I don´t dare to do all types of things. It wasn´t game to look. I consider I am not table to do stunts.I think it´s unhealthy. and some who do it they have a lot of adrenaline for other its about testing the limits of what is humanly possible.
It´s amazingly silly what someones risk their life by doing these stunts because of danger level.

If you haven’t would you like it?
No, I wouldn´t do it. Because I have a fobia of the stunts. I think I would be starting when I had a panic attack. It’s insane. It does not worth. I prefer to watch stunts rather than do them.
Leticia Guerrero

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