

Postby Xavi » Sat Nov 23, 2013 3:36 pm

A. Decoration on planes.
In Spain the older and bigger airline is Iberia, Iberia was a public company controlled by the government until nighties, when as many other companies in strategic sectors, they were privatize.
From the beginning of the airline in private sector, the airline was not profitable, and after a lot of cut back in employments, routes, etz. The airline was integrated in an airline holding called one world and now the company is absolutely controlled by foreign capital, I am not sure but I think that is controlled by British Airways. From my point of view the only value of the company is the largest routes which link Europe with America, in particular the area known as “latino america”
About the decoration of the planes and the symbol of the airline, I have to say that I do not remember any sort of decoration in the planes, the planes are withes and in the wing back you can see the logotype of the airline. The logotype is an “i” and a “b” in capital letter very closer, the “i” is red and the “b” yellow, I suppose that the idea was use the same colors of the Spanish flag. Inside letter “I” is drawn a crown of yellow color, I think that in honor of the Spanish king or their family.
Since this year, Iberia aircraft have a new look because the old logotype is been preplaced for a new design. Now the aircrafts have the back wing yellow and red, high part of the wing yellow, then a small part withe and the rest of the wing red.

Re: Iberia

Postby Admin » Mon Nov 25, 2013 9:02 am

Thanks for your very interesting message Xavi. Yes I have seen pictures of the new design - probably it was time to up-date it, it does look quite good. But I don't know if a new design will help the airline to be more profitable... it is competing with so many low-cost companies, it seems a little bit hopeless to me.
See you,
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