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Postby Net Languages » Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:40 pm

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Aboriginal art

Postby ISABEL CAMA » Thu Oct 27, 2016 3:22 pm

Aboriginal culture in Australia date about 1700 years back.

Europeans came to Australia in 1788.

As they came, initially, relations between the explorers and the Aboriginal inhabitants were generally hospitable but the relations became hostile as Aborigines realized that the land and resources upon which they depended and the order of their life were seriously disrupted by the ongoing presence of the colonizers.

The didgeridoo is a wind instrument developed by Indigenous Australians of northern Australia potentially within the last 1,500 years and still in widespread use today both in Australia and around the world.

Aboriginal art is made of symbols. These were used to tell stories to each other or to say what they have done that day. The pictures mostly had patterns or animals and were made of dots using twigs. The animals were the ones the artist had seen that day like kangaroos, crocodiles, lizards and Australian birds (Kookaburras).

Iberian people developed their culture in Spain from 700 to 600 AD. The best representations of their art are sculptures which represent men, women, animals, like lions or bulls, or mythological beings, like sphinxes or griffons. Some of these sculptures were made of copper and others of stone.

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