1. Aboriginal art and culture

How far back does Aboriginal culture date? (How long have Aborigines lived in Australia?
The answer commonly given is 40,000 years. Depending on which evolutionist is telling the story though, it could be 50,000 or 60,000 years—or even longer.
When did Europeans come to Australia?
The first Europeans we have evidence of were the Portuguese, whose maps of the 1520s were copied into maps we still have today.
What happened when they came?
When the Dutch usurped the Portuguese possessions in the East Indies a century later, they made regular landfalls in western Australia, and explored the northern and southern coasts.
What is a didgeridoo?
The didgeridoo (also known as a didjeridu or didge) is a wind instrument developed by Indigenous Australians of northern Australia around 1,500 years ago and still in widespread use today both in Australia and around the world. It is sometimes described as a natural wooden trumpet or "drone pipe".
Look at some more examples of Aboriginal art
Traditional Aboriginal Music is an important part of ceremonial and cultural life.
The Australian Aboriginals have had no written language and has relied on an oral method and music to pass on their knowledge for ages.
They believe in the Creation beings that during the dreamtime took human or animal form and created their world and that these beings left stories to be passed on through the generations.
Without a written language this knowledge is passed in the songs they taught the original indigenous Aboriginal inhabitants.
The creation beings taught songs linked to totems or dreaming, ancestral stories of sacred sites, important land features, laws and customs.
These songs combined with dancing and art are a vital part of Aboriginal ceremonial life.
There are songs that are considered sacred and secret and would only be performed by initiated men and women during such ceremonies such as initiation and child birth.
Is there anything on the Internet about indigenous art of your country?
In Barcelona there is the Australian studies centre that you can visit.
The answer commonly given is 40,000 years. Depending on which evolutionist is telling the story though, it could be 50,000 or 60,000 years—or even longer.
When did Europeans come to Australia?
The first Europeans we have evidence of were the Portuguese, whose maps of the 1520s were copied into maps we still have today.
What happened when they came?
When the Dutch usurped the Portuguese possessions in the East Indies a century later, they made regular landfalls in western Australia, and explored the northern and southern coasts.
What is a didgeridoo?
The didgeridoo (also known as a didjeridu or didge) is a wind instrument developed by Indigenous Australians of northern Australia around 1,500 years ago and still in widespread use today both in Australia and around the world. It is sometimes described as a natural wooden trumpet or "drone pipe".
Look at some more examples of Aboriginal art
Traditional Aboriginal Music is an important part of ceremonial and cultural life.
The Australian Aboriginals have had no written language and has relied on an oral method and music to pass on their knowledge for ages.
They believe in the Creation beings that during the dreamtime took human or animal form and created their world and that these beings left stories to be passed on through the generations.
Without a written language this knowledge is passed in the songs they taught the original indigenous Aboriginal inhabitants.
The creation beings taught songs linked to totems or dreaming, ancestral stories of sacred sites, important land features, laws and customs.
These songs combined with dancing and art are a vital part of Aboriginal ceremonial life.
There are songs that are considered sacred and secret and would only be performed by initiated men and women during such ceremonies such as initiation and child birth.
Is there anything on the Internet about indigenous art of your country?
In Barcelona there is the Australian studies centre that you can visit.