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1. Decoration and symbols.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 11:17 am
by Carolina
I don't know any Spanish airline have beautiful and decorated aircraft. All the Spanish companies are boring and unoriginal!!
"Flyant Cargo" is the only Spanish company is symbolized by a flying ant. It operated from the airport of Palma de Mallorca to destinations in Spain, Italy and Portugal and was dedicated to freight. It was purchased in 2008.

Re: 1. Decoration and symbols.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 8:41 am
by Admin
Thanks for the information Carolina, I never heard of that airline, maybe it didn't exist for very long?
See you,

Re: 1. Decoration and symbols.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 2:47 am
by Xiomara
Viva Colombia use to Aboriginal art to decorate its planes

Re: 1. Decoration and symbols.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 1:35 am
by Jaime

My answers:

1. In my country Colombia the most popular airline is Avianca, this airline has used diferent symbols dependent the time of the year, for example when the nacional football team play , they use the team schield. When is the mother´s day the roses, in Christmas eve the mixture beetween red and Green, when we celebrate the indepedency day (20 July) they use the country flag.

2. 2. I am drawing how I would like be my future, in the centre of the painting the shape of sun, that represent the happiness, above and below a wave lines that represent my wife, she has been joint me in this long way, in each corner of the painting, a square, these represent my nephews, they are a most important aspect in my life and I want they can be near to our when we are oldest.

Thanks for your attentiION!!

Re: 1. Decoration and symbols.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 12:43 am
by Jaime

My answers:

1. About the Australian aboriginal, I discovered that they had got to Australia 50000 years ago in the Paleocene era, probably they come from Africa.

2. The first European citizens arrived to Australia in 1606 in a ship, it´s name was Duyfken it´s captain was Willem Janszoon, currently the 93 per cent of the Australian population is European descendents, principally Ireland.

3. When the European citizens arrived to Australia they colonized the coast área and exploted it´s natural resources, some aborigens died for invasors´s diseases, many years later, the aborigens got the independance in wars when they beated the invasors.

4. The didgeridoo is a musical instrument used by australian aborigines during the colonial time.

5. About aboriginal art in Australia, is caracterised for the use of symbols for example: the sun was represented by yellow color, the earth by coffee, the arena by red, andthe sky by White the paintings were make in rocks and in Wood pieces.

6. 7. In my country is famous Muisca culture art, they made gold pieces, in these they represented the sun, the moon and their ancestors, some pieces was stolen for the spanish during the colonial time.

¡!Thanks for your attenttion!!