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My Dreaming

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 12:14 pm
by Carme
This is my Dreaming. This drawing represents my life to date.
The little black circle represents my hometown. The size of the circle means is a small city and is black because is where I’m feel complete, with all my family and friends. In short, where I belong to. The zigzag line up the black circle represents the mountains, because my hometown is close to the Pyrenees.
The straight line down de black circle represents I moved from a small town to a big city. This time, the circle is bigger and empty because at the beginning it was a stranger city to me. However, the white circle become full of smallest circles and surrounded by short lines because I started meeting this new place and its people.
The straight line right of the circle represents my life continues but the perpendicular line represents and obstacle in my path. Five years ago I had a terrible car accident that stopped my life for a while. Fortunately, I recovered and it made me stronger, that’s why the next line is thicker. The two triangles up of the thick line represent the base of my life, my son and my husband and, of course, all my friends and family are represented with short lines around them.

Re: My Dreaming

PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:04 am
by Admin
Great description Carme - I can visualise the drawing very well!
One thing:
The size of the circle means is a small city and is black because is where I’m feel complete,= You need a subject here, it's impossible to have "is" alone. WHAT is? : ...means it is a small city / it is black / because it is where I feel complete
The zigzag line up the black circle= Up is associated with movement. (She climbed up the stairs) Here you need an adjective of position: The zig zag line above the circle?
The straight line down de black circle = Same problem. The straight line below the circle...
The straight line right of the circle= The straight line on the right of the circle...
See you,