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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2018 11:04 am
by Javier
This drawing represents the different places I have lived in.
The triangles represent the towns and cities I have lived in. The greater the triangle is, the greater the city.
The circles next to the triangles represent the members of my family I have lived with. My parents are represented by small circles and my grandparents by bigger circles.
Next to one of the triangle there is a cross that represents my daughter, and my wife is represented by a medium size square. My children are represented by small squares.
The arrows from one triangle to another, represent the sequence of my displacements from one town to another.
The little dots next to the triangles represent the years I have lived in each city


PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 5:08 am
by Leticia Guerrero
My own Dreaming.

This painting shows the most beautiful moment in whole my life. On the left of the picture there is a flower-shape object represents my fifteenth birthday around this there are wavy lines which symbolises my loved ones in my party. In the centre of the picture a dotted line which finishes in a heart-shape object represents my years before I got married. The heart-shape object stands for my marriage this symbol is on the right of the picture in the middle and below of this object you can see four vertical straight lines at the end of each one there is a ribbon-shapes which represent years of my happiness of my married life. It gives me a tender of love and it makes me feel safe and beloved besides trouble-free, long lasting life full of love.


PostPosted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 8:04 am
by Admin
You are lucky Leticia! :)
See you soon,